Voiceover/Narration Samples
Classical Yoga instruction
Testimonials and Biography
Poetry and Short Stories
Yoga "Babe"
Eat, Play, Write! Wilderness Writing Retreat with New Mexico Poet Laureate, Lauren Camp
Voiceover/Narration Samples
Classical Yoga instruction
Testimonials and Biography
Poetry and Short Stories
Yoga "Babe"
Eat, Play, Write! Wilderness Writing Retreat with New Mexico Poet Laureate, Lauren Camp
Voiceover/Narration Samples
{"songs":[{"title":""Laurie Bower" - Audio Poem: "Late in the Day"", "file":"https://cdn-cms.f-static.com/uploads/617261/normal_5bbb83adb3d05.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/voiceover-narration-samples/audio-poem-late-in-the-day", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""A short, poignant reflection on life in the desert Southwest, read by the author"", "image":""},{"title":""Laurie Bower" - Spiritual Hindu Tales to Calm the Mind - by Alberto Parra", "file":"https://cdn-cms.f-static.com/uploads/617261/normal_5ade5f4159e35.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/voiceover-narration-samples/spiritual-hindu-tales-to-calm-the-mind-by-alberto-parra", "cartUrl":"https://www.audible.com/pd/Religion-Spirituality/Spiritual-Hindu-Tales-to-Calm-Your-Mind-Audiobook/B07B43P53J", "more_info":""A series of short, inspiring stories that illustrate enlightening spiritual concepts"", "image":""},{"title":""Laurie Bower" - Vocal Accents and Styles Demo", "file":"//cdn-cms.f-static.com/uploads/617261/normal_59a745d336882.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/voiceover-narration-samples/vocal-accents-and-styles-demo", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Showcases a sample of vocal styles and accents"", "image":""},{"title":""Laurie Bower" - Fractured Fables", "file":"https://files.cdn-files-a.com/uploads/617261/normal_6793fd43ab7f1.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/voiceover-narration-samples/fractured-fables", "cartUrl":"https://www.amazon.com/Illustrated-Fractured-Fables-Ralph-Flores/dp/173344193X", "more_info":""Written by Ralph M. Flores, illustrated by family and friends, and published posthumously, these thirteen fables are fractured in that some are take-offs on Aesop's Fables and Navajo coyote tales, but all show topical twists unique to Ralph's wry, indulgent humor. The moral at the end of each fable, if we didn't realize sooner, alerts us the animal characters are stand-ins for human fools. Not a children's book, but kids along with adults will take away from it what they see in the mirror that Ralph is holding up."", "image":""},{"title":""Laurie Bower" - Strawberry Roan - by Judith Vaughan", "file":"https://second-cdn.f-static.com/uploads/617261/normal_608b2954b12f2.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/voiceover-narration-samples/strawberry-roan-by-judith-vaughan", "cartUrl":"https://www.amazon.com/Strawberry-Roan-Growing-Shadow-Hermits/dp/1515417301", "more_info":""A delightful memoir of growing up among horses and the hills of Northern New Mexico, and ultimately becoming a pioneering doctor"", "image":""},{"title":""Laurie Bower" - Shine: When Chasing Sacred Spaces Goes Dark - by Jamie Weil", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static.com/uploads/617261/normal_606e4767bc23e.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/voiceover-narration-samples/shine-when-chasing-sacred-spaces-goes-dark-by-jamie-weil", "cartUrl":"https://www.amazon.com/Shine-When-Chasing-Sacred-Spaces/dp/164184499X", "more_info":""Who are you - really? How to Shine and Light up the World.\r\n\r\nA treasure map to finding your unique best self outside the margins of what everyone says you should be, this quick-read assist helps you create a doable daily ritual that fits perfectly with your unique yourself. Conceived and born during The Covid Season of 2020, SHINE helps you find your balance and keep it. The soothing lyrical style meets you where you are and encourages you to find your bliss no matter what is happening around you. While SHINE does not shy away from hard topics like suicide and mental illness, this book \u201cbubbles with joy\u201d and \u201cflows like a face-to-face conversation with a best friend over a cup of tea.\u201d After reading it, you just feel shinier, want to send a copy to all your friends, and have a solid blueprint to go help the world shine brighter because of it."", "image":""},{"title":""Barbara Koltuska Haskin" - How My Brain Works", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/617261/normal_614f7224ea4a3.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/voiceover-narration-samples/how-my-brain-works", "cartUrl":"https://www.amazon.com/How-My-Brain-Works-Understanding/dp/1948749610#customerReviews", "more_info":""A fascinating overview of how a neuropsychological evaluation works and ways to promote a heealthy brain\r\n\r\nAward-winning book"", "image":""},{"title":""Laurie Bower" - Overturned Bucket - by Rose Spader", "file":"https://cdn-cms.f-static.com/uploads/617261/normal_5e1b6f810bb8f.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/voiceover-narration-samples/overturned-bucket-by-rose-spader", "cartUrl":"https://www.audible.com/pd/B07TLP3S3B/?source_code=AUDFPWS0223189MWU-BK-ACX0-156339&ref=acx_bty_BK_ACX0_156339_pd_us", "more_info":""A delightful memoir about growing up in Northern New Mexico"", "image":""},{"title":""Laurie Bower" - The Fog of Faith - by Leona Stucky", "file":"//cdn-cms.f-static.com/uploads/617261/normal_5a6fac9f620b8.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/voiceover-narration-samples/the-fog-of-faith-by-leona-stucky", "cartUrl":"https://www.amazon.com/Fog-Faith-Surviving-Impotent-God/dp/B07C89GY9H/ref=tmm_aud_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=", "more_info":""A riveting memoir and tale of survival, set on a Mennonite farm in the Midwest. After the trauma of a savage attack, a farm girl recovers physically, but her identity, faith, and relationships are shattered. \r\n \r\nThis is the true story of Leona Stucky\u2019s childhood on a Kansas farm, surrounded by a loving family and the simple tenets of her Mennonite community. Violence enters her world in the guise of a young man who seems normal to everyone else but who Leona knows to be deranged in his obsession with her. \r\n \r\nHis unrelenting abuses take root, and Leona must deal with them utterly alone. Her pacifist father cannot avenge or protect her, nor can a callous justice system. Even God is impotent.\r\n \r\nLeona is cast into a bewildering life of disgrace and poverty\u2014with a baby, a violent husband, and battered faith. Through a series of page-turning events, she hacks through the bones of her na\u00efvet\u00e9 to confront harsh realities and to probe the veracity of religious claims. \r\n \r\nThe Fog of Faith is a suspenseful and morally unflinching drama of shame and survival, as well as useable and unusual wisdom."", "image":""},{"title":""Laurie Bower" - Banged Up Heart - by Shirley Melis", "file":"https://cdn-cms.f-static.com/uploads/617261/normal_5e1b70be6721f.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/voiceover-narration-samples/banged-up-heart-by-shirley-melis", "cartUrl":"https://www.audible.com/pd/B07P1ZMBS4/?source_code=AUDFPWS0223189MWU-BK-ACX0-143484&ref=acx_bty_BK_ACX0_143484_pd_us", "more_info":""One woman's beautiful story of love, loss - and the triumph of the spirit"", "image":""},{"title":""Laurie Bower" - Eli Cutter: Winter - by Craig Dirgo", "file":"//cdn-cms.f-static.com/uploads/617261/normal_599df9c4934f2.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/voiceover-narration-samples/eli-cutter-winter-by-craig-dirgo", "cartUrl":"https://www.audible.com/pd/Mysteries-Thrillers/Eli-Cutter-Winter-Audiobook/B077T4BZ6L", "more_info":""A Southwest Mystery: Eli Cutter is a Knight-Master in an ancient order created to advise the President of the United States. Because of the mental toll from their job, Knight-Master's retire at a young age. Cutter has retired to Taos, New Mexico when, on a trip to Vail, Colorado he rescues the current president. Seeing Cutter display unusual skills, the current president ask if Cutter can assist him solving crimes that fall through the cracks of bureaucracy. Cutter, along with Franz, his constant canine companion agrees to try."", "image":""},{"title":""Laurie Bower" - Reaction Revolution - by Madi Rose Fuhrman", "file":"https://cdn-cms.f-static.com/uploads/617261/normal_5bbb81e2b33a8.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/voiceover-narration-samples/reaction-revolution-by-madi-rose-fuhrman", "cartUrl":"https://www.audible.com/pd/Reaction-Revolution-Audiobook/B07G2QNKBF?qid=1539015059&sr=sr_1_5&ref=a_search_c3_lProduct_1_5&pf_rd_p=e81b7c27-6880-467a-b5a7-13cef5d729fe&pf_rd_r=S651FV27BQ7K8VC3AKPA&", "more_info":""A young yogi wants to save the world, heal the wounded, and mend the broken. Although, love must first start within. Sometimes the only thing we need to repair is the ability to stop fixing. Separation, polarity, and duality an illusion."", "image":""},{"title":""Laurie Bower" - Nuggets of Wisdom - by Christine Chin-Sim", "file":"https://cdn-cms.f-static.com/uploads/617261/normal_5bca029d20868.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/voiceover-narration-samples/nuggets-of-wisdom-by-christine-chin-sim", "cartUrl":"https://www.amazon.com/Nuggets-Wisdom-Reaching-Highest-Potential/dp/B07H7V31R3/ref=tmm_aud_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=", "more_info":""This book is done in a very crafty way that provides thoughtful insight to life experiences and will keep you engaged by using a series of short chapters covering many issues.\r\nThe text of the manuscript takes a variation of motivational phrasees and ideas from a series of past and current greats in the field of motivation and self-help and is spiced with the author\u2019s point of view. She shares some personal stories and how they tie into keeping life in perspective and a focus on what is truly important versus getting caught up in the minutia that can bog one down.\r\nSo sometimes when you are feeling down and confused OR even if you aren\u2019t \u2013 it is reader friendly enlightenment. Enjoy!"", "image":""},{"title":""Laurie Bower" - The One Meal a Day Diet - by Diana Polska", "file":"https://cdn-cms.f-static.com/uploads/617261/normal_5ade608c8594f.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/voiceover-narration-samples/the-one-meal-a-day-diet-by-diana-polska", "cartUrl":"https://www.amazon.com/One-Meal-Day-Diet-Intermittent/dp/B07BQX7GZC/ref=sr_1_1_twi_audd_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1522251599&sr=8-1&keywords=one+meal+a+day+diet", "more_info":""A fabulous diet concept that allows you to eat what you want - and as much as you want... plus a plethora of additional nutritional advice"", "image":""}]}